Dr. Enciso's support of arts and storytelling on the west side began in 2008, at Hilltonia Middle School, where she collaborated with 6th-8th grade teachers to engage youth in creating and performing stories, set in the west side. Initial funding from the National Council of Teachers of English supported three years of storytelling (2008-2011). Subsequently, Dr. Enciso directed research and teaching for the OSU/RSC funded partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company (2010-2016), which included monthly teacher development workshops and classroom-based arts and literacy education with west side youth. From 2016-2018, Dr. Enciso and Ohio State graduate students implemented superhero storytelling pedagogy and writing with middle grade youth. Since 2008, Dr. Enciso has published multiple articles about storytelling with diverse youth, presented multiple keynote and invited presentations at national and international conferences, and engaged multiple graduate students and educators in supporting and documenting youth's storytellling.